Saturday 23 July 2011

PGL reunion, Amsterslam, 'Slutwalk'

"Hi Slutwalker" (was how I was greeted today - i'll explain later)...

Well what a MASSIVE 10 days its been! Theme of the 10 days.. DEJA VU!

Tuesday 12th I got a train down to Weymouth, to embark on a 3 day reunion adventure of PGL mates back on site at Osmington Bay.  So surreal to be in Weymouth with Thea. Deja Vu to the max! After stocking up on vodka redbull, eating some food (because we all know Lauren would never let us eat dinner - "eatings cheating"), we jumped in a good ol' Fleetline cab and got PGL staff discount ride up to centre. Driving down onto centre was nuts, so many memories, anecdotes and stories shared, before arriving at the gates and being met by Carlos and Lauren. Before we could put our bags down, we were discussing the important decisions in life, "wine or vodka?"

After a drink or two, Hannah Taylor, Shaun, Finchy, Sophie 'Big toes', Carlos, Charlie, Alex PB, Kate Manners, Growler, Lee and other staff had joined us. The goon sack and vegetable game was in full swing!

Tuesday night - what a massive night out in Weymouth... (hardly). The Lazy Lizard had the 15 or so of us bombard them. Before not long, a rather savage (to put it nicely) lady came over and told us to "shut up or f**k off"... oh Weymouth, how I have missed you! We ended up in Rendevous, had a lovely chat with some Army boys, before just getting to the chippy on the way home. I swear the lamb was the reason for the 4 vomits in the early hours of Wednesday morning!

Whilst some made it to breakfast in town on Wednesday, I preferred the lie in...
By midday, Hannah Taylor, Big toes, Finch, Shaun and I headed down to the venue for the 2012 Olympic sailing, Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy or where PGL conducts watersports. (Thea preferred to nap) The idea was really not inviting, to be riding on a windsurfing board, tied to the back of a boat, with a stomach as fragile as mine (food positioning of course), nevertheless, it certainly did help my hangover in the 15degree water.

We chillaxed in the arvo, all had a nap. You could certainly tell we weren't the vibrant 18 and 19 year olds we once were! 21 is just so much older! We headed off to my favourite pub ever, 'Smugglers Inn' for dinner. Thea and I decided to take it easy, as we had 250 miles to ride on the weekend.

Thursday we made it to a PGL breakfast before saying an emotional goodbye and headed to the train station. Thea and I got on different trains at Bristol, Thea headed off to York and I to Liverpool. I met Tashi and we went to a Japanese Teppanyaki restaurant met up with her family for her Dad's surprise 50th. Always enjoyable getting your dinner thrown at you.

The birthday party headed off to a few bars in Liverpool, watched her dad smash 3 Jager Bombs before I got my 1 down. It reinforced to be where Tashi gets her drinking skills from. Tashi and I got the 12:01am train back to Leeds, getting to Leeds by 2am, repacking and packing for Amsterslam and getting to bed by 4:30am... probably not the best idea for a 5 days 400km bike ride.

'Amsterslam' is a 250mile (400km) bike ride from York - Amsterdam and back, organised by a volunteer run organisation 'Chairty Adventure' raising funds for 'Jessies Fund' charity - music therapy for kids with disabilities. If you haven't already, please sponsor us on

Deja Vu again. All the same, just a year on. We all met in York, 36 cyclists, 4 ride guides and 1 support car driver. Met up with 'Team Seagrass', Thea, Loz, Prue and Kat. Four Western Australians that had joined Thea in wanting to join me to complete the ride without breaking legs! The sun was shining (a nice surprise for the UK) and we were all so cheerful setting off, dry shoes, dry and clean clothes, passport in the satisfactory condition for immigration and clushty bottoms. Soon to end.

We cycled about 40km before stopping at the pub for lunch. A lovely cycle through the country roads and farming areas of the Yorkshire countryside. Was on good time with only 1 punctured tyre. After lunch we approached the only hill of the ride, a piddley rise which has nothing on Tyrrell Street, The Hill! We reached the sea side and rode along the coast, under the famous Humber Bridge of Hull, with the sight of the Cruise boat ahead. Always a massive excitement getting on the boat and hitting up the buffet. Although I feel like I let myself down a little by not eating in the correct order, going straight for the English roast dinner! Had a few drinks, listened to the on board band and met the other riders, before getting to bed.

Always a pleasure to be awoken by a loudspeaker announcement at 6am in 3 languages telling us to get up. As if saying it one language wasn't annoying enough. Packed the room, stocked up on breakfast to ensure I had plenty of calories to burn off. Was a long ride ahead, 120km. Its such a cliche ride, rode past windmill after windmill, deers, canals, locals riding bikes with clogs on etc. Lunch break was at the infamous Valcomburg (incorrect spelling)... aka where I broke my legs last year. The weather was definitely not as tempting for a swim, so both legs are intact. We cycled on, along a long canal passed the airport, in which the thought crossed my mind of, "we could've just flown to Amsterdam". Arrive on good time, 6pm, showered, thawed out, had dinner and went downstairs to the bar. It was Happy Hour, free shot with every drink. Great. Before I had any normal alcoholic drink, Tashi had near enough rammed 3 shots down my throat. 6 Jager shots for 10euro's... in for a big night! Bottle of Rose down and we were heading for the Red Light District. Thea, Loz, Kat and I got amongst it, great night life, had a few drinks in a pub and walked around. Tashi joined later, we ventured around, then was home by 3am. Tashi without her phone... typically lost, somehow.

Day 3 - Had a lovely sleep in til 1pm. I could definitely justify this sleep in. We ventured out to get food, Thai was the obvious choice. Purchased an umbrella on the way in an attempt to stay dry for the on off rain. Loz, Kat, Prue, Thea, Tashi and I did a canal cruise for 75mins, budget one obviously, so had no commentary of any sites or buildings, but was still lovely. Came back from to the hostel for dinner, nap, then Thea, Loz, Tashi, Dave and I ventured back out to the Red Light District. Enjoyed some of Amsterdams finest and got back by 2am. Probably not the best idea before a 6:30am start of a 120km day.

Day 4 - stuffed in some breakfast. Watched Loz feed her face with 'Scary Movie Strong Hands' and then watched Thea and Prue near throw up. I was in stitches of laughter. Another 120km in torrential rain and massive headwinds... something i'd come accustom to on this ride. Smashed the last 8km to the ferry, where we were allowed to breakaway and sprint there. Arrived to the pub to meet the others, had a few pints and hot chips. Everyone was stoked to have finished the hardest leg of the ride. Tashi managed to have 3 triple Malibu's and coke in 40mins... so she struggles to remember riding onto the ferry, but she was laughing the whole way on. All us Aussies enjoyed the buffet, then crashed out to sleep to the rougher rock of the waves on this crossing.

Day 5 - So... Oops.... I kinda got my passport wet and the photo has smudged, made it in the UK OK when I explained what happened. Anyway, sent passport off now to get a new one, so lets hope all goes well. More wet weather and a few punctured tyres, but made it back to York from Hull. What a relief it was riding into York, of course with a near miss crash between Thea and I... all caught on film. A few teary goodbyes (cough Thea cough) and we headed back to Leeds for some Thai takeaway and unpacking some very wet and smelly clothes.

Had a good sleep in and 5 loads of washing on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday just chilled. Saturday Tashi was roped in through work at the Students Union to do a 'SlutWalk' - a protest march that takes place in cities across the world after a Policeman in Canada told a girl after she was raped that it was her fault 'for dressing like that'... Protests aren't really my thing and marching around Leeds was the last thing I intended to do on a Saturday afternoon chanting, "2 4 6 8 love sex hate rape", "i said hey, i said ho, sexual abuse has to go", "its a dress, not a yes" etc etc. All for a good cause. Protest finished in Hyde Park where 'Unity Day', a community (rather Hippies filling a park drinking cheap cider, smoking weed and listening to Jamaican tunes), but nevertheless, a nice way to spend an afternoon.

- London for a few days
- Italy for Tchoukball World Games (if my passport arrives)

Hope all are well.

RIP Amy Winehouse.

Peace out.

Margot x

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